
Human Resources

HR data is at risk from unauthorized system access resulting in privacy breaches, payroll or T&A fraud, credential tampering and “ghost workers” who no longer are part of the organization. Granular or layered security is needed to restrict HR workers from unnecessary data access, resulting in greater privacy protection for employees’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive personal data. Payroll costs can be controlled by instituting biometrically controlled time and attendance, which prevents common fraud techniques such as “buddy punching”. Overtime abuses in payroll approval can be mitigated. Employees increasingly want to be empowered to securely interact with their own personal data. This can be done securely by providing biometrically activated ID Management and Credentialing, even from shared devices such as kiosks.

Key areas of concern within HR include:

  • Payroll Visibility & Fraud
  • Time & Attendance Fraud
  • System Access by “Ghost Workers”
  • Privacy: Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • Personnel Records
  • Employee Self-Service

“With the implementation of this solution, the client has graduated from the obsolete world of passwords to a far more controlled environment of biometric identity management. The client has a far better understanding of when and how each user had access to their SAP system. The project has been a complete success.”






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